Runner's Web

Navigation Using the Browser's 'Back' Button
Try the Back Button Sub-Menu.

Some sites that link to us have a hidden “redirect” pages which command the browser to go forward. So when you click back, you get to this hidden page, which then forces it to go forward again! This is incredibly frustrating, because you start to see the previous page beginning to load, and then it snaps back (forward) to the page you want to get back from.

Internet Explorer:
If you scroll over the back button with your mouse, a small pull-down tab will appear on the right. Clicking on it will give you a list of previously visited sites; select a safe one and you'll return to that site.

Alternatively, and more easily...
PC users can 'right click' their mice over the back button to get the list of visited sites. Mac users can click and hold their mice over the back button to get the list.

Most easily, you can hit the 'Go' menu at the top of your monitor. A list of previously visited sites will appear. Click on one and go!

Similar to Explorer, you can also scroll over the back button and either 'left click' and hold it, or simply 'right click' (Mac users see above). Choose a previously visited site to escape.
